365 Days of Art Appreciation

documenta art can only be admired in Kassel every five years? Wrong! The international art exhibition has left its marks throughout the cityscape in the form of numerous permanent, large-scale outdoor exhibits. From "Man walking to the sky" at the central railway station to the oversized "Pickaxe" next to the banks of the Fulda river or "7000 oaks" by Joseph Beuys: Kassel showcases international art 365 days a year. Important works from the past few decades are also on display in the Neue Galerie. Plenty of reasons to go on a fascinating tour of exploration through the documenta city and to discover it from a completely new perspective!

Where the world's art is at home

The documenta, generally considered the most important international contemporary art exhibition in the world, is held in Kassel every five years. Each documenta runs for 100 days and attracts people from all over the globe interested in the latest art and culture trends to Kassel, which gives the city a truly unusual and very cosmopolitan feel.

The documenta was established in 1955 by the artist and designer Arnold Bode and some like-minded enthusiasts with the intention of showcasing the important role that modern art played in German society after the Second World War. The huge success of this first documenta encouraged those involved to organise another exhibition under the same name four years later. Over the next few decades, the documenta evolved into one of the world's most important art events.

Ever since, each individual documenta has been a unique project and a forum for showcasing and discussing the worldwide developments in contemporary art, culture and society. For the international modern art scene, the documenta is like a melting pot that regularly brings artists as well as arts fans from all over the world together in Kassel.

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Inspiring and surprising:
Guided city walk "Kassel – Art – Culture"

From the world-famous fairy tales collected by the Grimm brothers to the documenta and the fascinating legacy of the local landgraves: Kassel is home to many impressive works of art and cultural heritage. The city's history spans more than 1100 years and was marked by numerous interesting events. On this one-hour guided walk, you learn more about the eventful history of the city of Kassel and are given an overview of the documenta city's many attractions and museums.
Book here

You have reached the work of art:
Virtual documenta tour

On a total of three routes through the city with varying lengths, you can explore Kassel's outdoor documenta exhibits from the past few decades. Besides an interactive map with the respective routes and locations, there is also an audio guide that tells you more about the works of art and the artists who created them.

Simply visit the website documenta-historie.de on your smartphone and off you go!


about: documenta
Presentation in the Neue Galerie

The Neue Galerie near Karlsaue has always been closely connected to the documenta: it not only the venue where the works in the current exhibition are on show every five years; it is also the permanent home of some of the documenta art from the past few decades. In addition, the new presentation "about: documenta", which occupies the entire top floor, invites you to learn more about the fascinating history of this internationally important series of art exhibitions.

Visit the New Gallery

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